
On Gratitude

gabrielle cole I am well aware that gratitude practices are actually a pretty significant key in leading a happier life, and I am a person who does, semi-regularly, think of gratitude. I think it helps me to cope with some of the things that happen in the world that are challenging- not by avoiding them …


Lent starts this week. I low-key love the idea of Lent because I like all the things Lent is about less, about giving up, about making space in your life for the things that actually matter. It’s about cutting through the nonsense that so often occupies our minds and focusing on the things that actually …

On Calling

I have a hard time with the idea of God calling anyone to do anything. Sometimes, when people say that God called them to do something, I feel a desire (you could say I’m called) to push back on it. To point out that it’s okay to admit that you wanted to do something, on …

On Security and Idolatry

At church today, the liturgy was Exodus 32:1-14, about the Israelites and the golden calf. Here’s part of it: 5 When Aaron saw this, he built an altar in front of the calf and announced, “Tomorrow there will be a festival to the Lord.” 6 So the next day the people rose early and sacrificed burnt offerings …

On Worship

I’m sitting in worship today and I’m thinking of how different church feels in Mississippi than it does at home. Here, it seems like young people who don’t have kids go to church pretty regularly, and that really isn’t a thing at home – it seems like it’s pretty rare, where I’m from, for people in their …