The cost of going home for Thanksgiving

The drive from Mississippi to Michigan was grueling. It was dark before we reached Cincinnati, and we didn’t get to my hometown until 10:30.

$22.25 – Gas in Belzoni, MS, the Catfish Capital of the World

$15.oo – Gas, somewhere between Memphis and Nashville

$5.90 – Taco Bell, somewhere just north of Nashville

$22.97 – Gas in Findlay, OH

Total: $66.12

The drive from Michigan to Mississippi was much better, in part due to the difference in time zones – we were traveling from EST to CST, which saved us an hour, and we started an hour earlier. This resulted in a much better, less tiring, less stressful drive for me – it was still light out when we hit the Mississippi state line. I got home around 9, and collapsed into my bed.

$1.96 – Coffee at a Pilot in Kentucky

$8.41 – Lunch at an Arby’s in Kentucky, after we passed the most backed up freeway I’ve ever seen in my life. It was backed up for at least two miles, on the other side.

$5.40 – M&Ms at a Pilot in mid-Tennessee

$10.00 – Gas at a Pilot in Mid-Tennessee

$21.81 – Gas, somewhere in the Delta

$1.00 – M&Ms, somewhere in the Delta

Total: $48.58

There and back, I spent $114, far cheaper than a plane ticket, especially a plane ticket from Jackson. Still, the level of exhaustion that I was feeling on the drive toward Michigan was terrible, and I spent two full days of my break just driving. Additionally, this isn’t counting wear and tear on my car. I can’t tell, yet, what I’ll do next time.