Where we are vs. where we thought we would be

Photo on 9-7-11 at 2.29 AM

Photo on 9-11-11 at 3.52 PM

The Photobooth pictures above show me, freshman year of college, working on a project for design school, and a drawing I did for class. Tonight, as I snapped another Photobooth picture of myself, my mind went straight to those.

In my freshman year of college, I had no idea I would end up here, in Mississippi, teaching. I expected to live in west Michigan, or in High Point, NC, and design furniture. It’s funny, the places life takes us.

Tonight, I put together some new charts about number words and expanded numbers. My class will work on this later in the week, writing numbers in expanded form, and writing numbers using words. We’re working on number sense, building an understanding of what even and odd numbers are, and how we can represent the same number in different ways. It’s fun for me because it’s this sort of abstract idea – numbers are just on a paper, but they’re also in blocks, and we can pair them up to see if they’re even or odd, and they’re also groups of hundreds and tens and ones.

My students have a mixed understanding right now – some of them seem to be getting it, and some of them are still working on it.

Photo on 8-22-16 at 6.40 PM

Photo on 8-22-16 at 6.56 PM