I acknowledge that some people may like this book, and find it helpful and enjoyable, but frankly, this was not for me.
This book discussed a lot of manifesting and affirmations and how you were the only thing standing in the way of everything you want in life. It was written in a really chatty style, which I can see might make it feel more approachable, but became kind of annoying.
“Much of the time we pretend we aren’t clear on what our calling is when what’s really going on is that we’re horrified to face it because it seems too big or too impossible to make a living at or completely out of the question for us.”
I have never really understood this – I have big dreams and plans and I am readily willing to tell people about them. They don’t seem impossible. They seem like they will be challenging, for sure, but not impossible.
“In order to transform your life, you may have to spend the money you do have, get a loan, sell something, borrow from a friend, put it on your credit card, or manifest it in some other way. Which is going to go against some pretty deep-seated beliefs we’ve all been raised with about how going into debt is irresponsible (unless it’s a student loan, of course, because for some reason we’ve decided in that case, and that case only, it’s okay). This is about taking a leap of faith into a new realm that you strongly desire to be in, demanding of yourself that you rise to the occasion and start living your damn life already.”
Please don’t go into credit card debt in an attempt to manifest a transformation in your life. You can make a change in your life without paying 19% interest.
“Money is energy like anything else, and when you’re operating at a high frequency with no resistance to it, and take right action, you can manifest the money you desire.”
I think I am just too logical for this sentence to compute with my brain.