
10. Atomic Habits

This is not my first time reading Atomic Habits. I decided to read it again because I wanted to take a look at my current habits, how those have changed over the course of time and in this pandemic, and see how I could adjust them to optimize by day to day actions. James Clear …

8. Crazy Rich Asians

This book was fluff – it was fun and entertaining. There was a lot of drama throughout, and the pacing was quick, which kept it engaging. It was fun look into the lives of the super-rich, and made me think a bit about the types of problems that transcend class. I watched this movie when …

7. You Are a Badass

I acknowledge that some people may like this book, and find it helpful and enjoyable, but frankly, this was not for me. This book discussed a lot of manifesting and affirmations and how you were the only thing standing in the way of everything you want in life. It was written in a really chatty …

5. The Parker Inheritance

This book was a great mix of being entertaining and engaging while also digging into issues of racism in America. The book alternates between two primary timelines – the present day, where Candice Miller and her mom have moved to her deceased grandmother’s house in Lambert, South Carolina for the summer, and Lambert in the …

4. Quit Like a Woman

I wanted to read this book because I read Holly Whitaker’s blog, and I read The Temper, and I quit drinking alcohol a year and a half ago. This book is half recovery memoir and half how to quit drinking guide, with a sprinkling of opinions about Alcoholics Anonymous. The recovery memoir part is interesting, …

2. The Audacity of Hope

I was struck by two major themes while reading this book. The first theme was that Barack Obama truly, deeply believes in America. He waxes poetic about the documents that outline the structure of our democracy, and how they have been interpreted and applied in various ways. “My students may have used me as a …