8. Crazy Rich Asians

This book was fluff – it was fun and entertaining. There was a lot of drama throughout, and the pacing was quick, which kept it engaging. It was fun look into the lives of the super-rich, and made me think a bit about the types of problems that transcend class. I watched this movie when …

7. You Are a Badass

I acknowledge that some people may like this book, and find it helpful and enjoyable, but frankly, this was not for me. This book discussed a lot of manifesting and affirmations and how you were the only thing standing in the way of everything you want in life. It was written in a really chatty …

COVID-19 Routine

I thrive on structure and routine. Pre-COVID-19, a fair amount of the structure and routine in my life depended on external factors. School, spending time with friends, going to the gym. I still am doing those in some form, but the specifics of what they look like have changed radically. It’s been an adjustment, for …

5. The Parker Inheritance

This book was a great mix of being entertaining and engaging while also digging into issues of racism in America. The book alternates between two primary timelines – the present day, where Candice Miller and her mom have moved to her deceased grandmother’s house in Lambert, South Carolina for the summer, and Lambert in the …


I haven’t been to school in over two weeks. The last day of school before spring break was March 6th, which isn’t that long ago but feels like a million years ago. We had spring break. I wanted to have a low-key, relax at home spring break – I really just needed to get some …

4. Quit Like a Woman

I wanted to read this book because I read Holly Whitaker’s blog, and I read The Temper, and I quit drinking alcohol a year and a half ago. This book is half recovery memoir and half how to quit drinking guide, with a sprinkling of opinions about Alcoholics Anonymous. The recovery memoir part is interesting, …