Teach for America: Summer school, day one


Today was the first day of summer school, and I think it went really well! I wasn’t responsible for too much in terms of instruction, but I led a part of our procedure practice and I administered our math pre-test. Going into today, I was worried that the kids wouldn’t take the math pre-test seriously, and that they wouldn’t take procedures seriously. However, after talking about how important it was for everyone to get in the right cars to go home, my students seemed to get the hang of our dismissal procedures, and they were pretty quiet and well behaved when we were sending everyone home.

I was really surprised at the range of times it took for my students to take the pre-test. We had an hour scheduled for it, but some students finished after 15 minutes, and others took the whole hour. I printed out some math fluency sheets with addition up to 20, and had planned to pass them out to students who finished early. I didn’t expect that students would finish those long before others were done with the pre-test. Something to be aware of in the future, for sure.

There was so much encouragement from TFA – I’m pretty sure at least ten people wished me luck before I got on the bus, and then when we got back to Delta State and unloaded from the bus, cheerleaders were doing their routine in front of the dorm, and TFA staff were passing out popsicles. It was so nice to feel that much love on our first day of summer school!