The $100 Startup

What do freedom and independence really mean?  For many people, it’s about financial security without a nine to five job, which is what “The $100 Startup” is all about.

Chris Guillebeau has been on my radar for a while now, for as long as I’ve been interested in traveling and entrepreneurship.  When I heard that he had a new book out, and that he was going on book tour, I knew I had to go listen to his talk.  I was expecting the talk to last for around an hour, with a little bit of Q&A to follow.  However, the talk lasted around half an hour, and Chris was remarkably humble about the whole thing.  After his talk, there was a Q&A, which was surprisingly interesting.  It was much more like a discussion than the usual Q&A dynamic.  The whole experience of meeting Chris and hearing his story first-hand was inspiring.  Chris has a similar mentality to that of Startup Weekend, that it’s better to start something now than it is to try to make something perfect and start it in a year or two.  I find that I’m latching onto this mentality more and more, that I just want to start something, and tweak it as I go along.
Let’s go out and build things, and make great stuff, and keep on working at it.

I blogged about Chris once over the summer.  You can read that post here!