What is this blog about?

unsplash-logoTianyi Ma

In July 2007, I was fourteen years old and I had a desktop computer and I started a blog. I wrote about knitting, and reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, and starting high school. In March 2012, I started a new blog about art and design, and I interviewed artists, and wrote reviews of new products, and wrote about gallery openings I went to in design school.

There are a fair number of people who I know now who might not know that I went to design school for two years.

I kept writing on my original blog until December 2012, when I was 19 and a sophomore in college, when I let it fizzle out. I had scheduled my “Quote of the Month” posts to go until August 2015, so it kept going, posting in my absence.

Fifteen-Seventeen was successful enough that it propelled me out of design school – I got more recognition for writing on that blog than I ever got for any design work. I realized I was a lot better at writing than I was at design, so I left design school and did an internship at Metropolis Magazine, eventually going to study something that was centered on writing, public relations.

Now I teach math in Mississippi. I love what I’m doing, and what I’m doing has nothing at all to do with design. I’ve blogged about teaching a fair amount, but I never really intended for this to be a teaching blog.

This is not a design blog anymore. It’s not a teaching blog. So what is it?

Is this a book blog? Is this a blog about making lists and completing the items on a list? Is this a blog about setting goals and working to reach them? Can it, somehow, be a mix of those things?

Incidentally, this is not the first time I’ve asked this question about my blog.

Maybe it can be those things, though. Maybe this blog can be equal parts about books, continually working to improve myself and experience new things, and a little bit of my day to day life thrown in.