How the Recession Reshaped the Economy: An Explosion of Information Design

Who among us doesn’t love a good chart? I find them irresistible. Does that make me a dork? Probably. Does that make me a smarter, better-rounded person overall? Hopefully. My latest source for intense charts is The Upshot, a blog from the New York Times.
I also happen to be fascinated by the economy, and this series of charts combines both of those.

The green lines represent the industries that have recovered, and the red lines represent the industries that haven’t. Industries on the left are lower-paying, industries on the right are higher-paying.

 You can click on any of the little lines to get a more detailed view of that industry.

 And then they dissect labor trends, like the growth of low-wage service jobs, and the growth of high-wage STEM jobs.

And show which sectors of the economy are expanding and contracting.

And point out that “Made in America” will one day refer to more digital products than physical.

You can see it for yourself here.