The internet is a beautiful place.

Swiss Miss is an amazingly cool person, and she’s the businesswoman who I look at and always say “I want to do that. I want to be like her.” This is the talk she gave at 99U, and it made me ask myself what my superpower is — Obsessiveness? Perfectionism? Staying up ’till all hours?
If you want to learn more about Tina Roth Eisenberg, you should check out the interview I did with her last year.
I also get pretty dorkily passionate about personal finance (because it matters SO MUCH for creative people, and so many people refuse to acknowledge that*) and The Billfold enables much of this obsession. This week, they’ve been killing it, especially with posts about people who I admire and how they do money. Ira Glass! Alan Lastufka! I really hope that they get an interview with, I dunno, J.K.Rowling or maybe Oprah.

*This is a topic for another post, but in short, if you’re constantly worried about how you’re going to make rent, it’s hard to make your best work. It’s important to talk openly about money and about how people make a living in creative fields. Austin Kleon’s money tag on tumblr is also great.