Links for Friday, March 29

The Grand Rapids Public Museum has some pictures of their recent acquisitions right here.  They have a penny horse from Meijer!  They have a thing about the new (I think the building is empty now?) Grand Rapids Press office!  It’s interesting stuff.

I’m pretty obsessed with Stefan Sagmeister right now.  Minimally Minimal got to go see his show, and I’m terribly jealous.  Here’s his TED talk, where he discusses his practice of taking a sabbatical every seven years.  I’ve been thinking a lot about what kind of life I want to live, lately, and I would love to do that.  Just take a year off, relax, recover from working, be inspired.

This article, Why a BA is Now the Ticket to a Job in a Coffeeshop, certainly falls into the category of “Articles that make me into a trainwreck of anxiety but I just can’t stop myself from reading them” but it comes at it from a slightly different angle – instead of focusing on sad, underemployed 20-somethings, it’s about the larger economic forces that caused them to be in their situation.

NPR internship apps are due today!  I have a big project for school right now!  It’s almost April, and “April” is code for “ALL THE STRESS IN THIS MONTH” so if you follow me on twitter, don’t be surprised if there are a few late-night, desperate sounding tweets coming up.  Have a good weekend, everyone!